How 360 Security Cameras Are Revolutionising Property Monitoring

security cameras

In the UK, approximately 526 burglaries happen every day. As a landlord, it’s your responsibility to monitor your properties and document any crimes that occur – a break-in could cause property damage that isn’t your tenant’s fault.

Are you doing enough to secure your property and adhere to compliance standards?

Keep reading as we explore how 360 security cameras are revolutionising property monitoring for the modern landlord – and the legal requirements for property monitoring.

What Are The Legal Requirements For Property Monitoring?

It is perfectly legal for landlords to install security cameras on their property’s exterior to protect it from theft and property damage. It’s also legal for your tenants to do the same, installing cameras for their personal protection.

However, to comply with UK regulations, it falls under landlord responsibilities to make it clear that the property is being monitored. It is illegal to record or monitor your tenants without their knowledge. So, ensure proper signage to let your tenants know where the cameras are and that they are being recorded.

Benefits Of 360 Security Cameras

Why are 360 security cameras becoming so popular for landlords? Let’s take a look.

Full Range Visibility

With a 360 security camera, you gain 360-degree visibility. This ensures there are no blind spots in your system that an intruder could take advantage of to enter the property, causing harm to your tenants or their belongings. 

If you have a large property, 360 security cameras can save you money on security hardware. By providing an increased range of visibility, they reduce the number of cameras you require to monitor all required angles. Opting for a 360 security camera provides ROI almost instantly by saving you money on additional cameras for your security strategy.

Cloud-Based Controls

Most modern 360 security cameras are cloud-based. Outdated on-premise camera systems prove disadvantageous in the following ways:

  • You can only view your security data from a monitor hooked up to the data box, meaning you’ll need to be on the premises to investigate potential security threats or check the footage.
  • The cameras can only connect with the data box via complex wiring systems. The larger your property is, the more inconvenient these complex wiring systems become. And, if you’d like to expand your property, you will need to restructure the wiring systems.

Cloud-based security cameras eradicate these issues, providing many convenient features to streamline your security strategy planning:

  • Wireless connectivity – When setting up cloud-based security cameras, you don’t need to worry about wires, just a power source. You can easily install them without drilling holes for discreet wire placement.
  • Remote operation – You can easily use a mobile application or browser-based control centre to operate your security cameras, ensuring you have complete property visibility at all times. If you have suspicions about the property, you can resolve them instantly. You can view the camera feed and move your 360 cameras without visiting the location in person.
  • Open API integrations – With cloud-based security cameras, you gain open API integrations that allow you to apply software integrations. This way, you’ll be able to enhance the function of your security cameras, improving ROI.


Which are the best integrations for 360 security cameras? Let’s explore how you can enhance your security hardware through integration:

  • Automated threat detection – You can easily enhance your security cameras by applying automated threat detection software. If you have multiple properties to manage, it will be impossible to maintain visibility on all of them. Automated threat detection does this for you, providing you with a mobile alert if a potential security threat is detected. It uses behaviour and object recognition to spot potential hazards, alerting you so you can take immediate action and keep your property and tenants safe.
  • Access control – To make your security data more accessible, consider integrating your security camera system with your access control system. For example, you’ll be able to easily view access and vehicle logs alongside your camera feed when your security camera system is integrated with your gate security system. This integration proves particularly useful to help identify incidents involving stolen access credentials. You can easily verify if the individual’s identity matches the credentials they’re using to enter the property.
  • Facial recognition software – For a high-traffic or commercial property, you might consider implementing facial recognition software for identity verification. Or, you can do away with access credentials in favour of facial recognition, enhancing the convenience of everyday building operations.


360 security cameras provide the convenience and flexibility required for modern property management.

They provide cloud-based features that enable remote management while reducing the number of cameras you need to gain total visibility for your property.

Consider implementing 360 cameras when planning your commercial or residential security strategy to improve ROI and protect your property effectively.

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Nicole Sage

Nicole Sage is the founder of Sleek-chic Interiors and is a highly experienced interiors writer and skilled home renovator who has a passion for all things design. She has been featured as an authority at Pinterest, Ideal Home, Daily Mail and in countless other interviews. For 8 years, Nicole has written, observed key interior trends, renovated and undertaken interior short courses at the renown KLC school where she has gained her grounding interior design principles. With a keen eye for detail and a love of creativity, she shares her expertise on the latest interior trends, practical DIY tutorials, and styling inspiration to help others transform their homes into stunning spaces. With a commitment to delivering informative and engaging content, Nicole inspires and empowers readers to explore their own unique sense of style and create beautiful, personalised interiors. Contact her at for interiors advice, colour questions and any commentary.

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